Ok, nice.
Awesome game. HILARIOUS narrative-text. Finding out 'I' was the bunny at the end was unexpected, but seeing a rabbit in a suit made me pretty much cry with laughter. I love this.
Ok, nice.
Awesome game. HILARIOUS narrative-text. Finding out 'I' was the bunny at the end was unexpected, but seeing a rabbit in a suit made me pretty much cry with laughter. I love this.
Blew me away.
Best game I've played on NG so far, maybe.
but it's not flash, my N64 can pump graphics 10x better than this.. too repetative too, and too slow. good effort gets you a 3/5.
Dah... This ins't a Nintendo -.-... lol ok I will make my next game with better graphics and With a Pause Button!
This game is absolutely amazing. I got to wave 387, suprisingly. An excellent tip: start of with 2 of the cheapest guns, max them out, then get four, gradually increasing it to no more than 10, maxing them out as you go. IMPORTANT to upgrade the frequency - they do a power blast after a while which will help LOADS! Build one or two damage/frequency/distance upgrades, then get as many lasers as you can. At about wave 340 ish, press spacebar like 10-20 times, the laser will own them all, resulting in mass money :D. I was invinsible up until about wave 375 ish. Shame I didn't get the last build-turret upgrade ;C.
PM me for a screeny of all the weapons/my score etc. :D.
I'm not buying it.
It was a pointless waste of good-quality graphics. This is an old idea. Too unoriginal, and plus it's got less that 10 answers.
It's an amazing game.
Took you some time to upload it to newgrounds ;P
I played it on BubbleBox a while ago; completed it. It was very nice and challenging; but not too challenging - just the way I like it. A very excellent game. Amazing concept. Things to improve: Nothing. ;). But it would be nice to have more skins on the level. Maybe some grass? 10/10. I found it funny (humor - 6) because me and my mate were laughing at how addictive and slightly agitating some of the levels were!
It was okay...
And 20 does work by the way (to the last reviewer). I think you must've made it 63 instead of 66, cos the first time I did it, it came to be 11.5, but then i used google calculator and got 13 ;).
Oh.... I see, I'll just check over my flash and see. Thanks for the review :)
Sorry, but I have a life. Don't post this crap on newgrounds... our computers come with microsoft paint, which is better than this in most ways.
This game was too fucking hard, fucker. 10/10
Thanks, fucker.
Clealy needs some work... why is the game called Bob?? And why does the panda have such a boring and basic name of Dave?
Bob? Dave? There are no levels; the red balls go OFF the screen; plus the concept was weak.
It's not rape if they can't say no.
Age 34, Male
England, South
Joined on 5/8/06