Glad this baby was resubmitted
However, yee did miss out my one.. consider re-uploading? ;)
Glad this baby was resubmitted
However, yee did miss out my one.. consider re-uploading? ;)
I'm typing this reponse from a public computer.
My computer crashed a few days ago and the very second the computer is all fixed i will get to work on updating the menu, preloader and adding any parts made by people who sent in there parts late.
Thank you.
By the way i'm typing this from a public library's computer.
Nice trippy stuff right there
What's the name of the elevator song (and the artist)?
his name is rutgermuller and his song is called Haunting Music 1 (his site is:
Swine FUCKER drinks piss
Fuck you, and have a happy christmas, sir!
swine FUCKER
Why switch between American and English accents? Stop trying to be nothing you're not.
If I used my real accent then I would get blammed, duh.
But this, being one of my early shorts, was less fluent with the whole accent thing. It's not as bad in my more recent shorts.
Abrupt/Distorted ending
After the shot I was expecting a "Drop him!" and all the men to shoot him.. yet the evil guy just escapes?!
Actually the purple haired guy is dead as Avril Lavigne's hype, but you can call it an animator's lazyness...
Not bad
It would've been cool if you had clowns in it though
it is my biggest regret, that I did not make this cartoon about clowns.
Haha pretty cool
It was fun. Smooth FBF unlike most clock movies :D
When I clicked your profile I was dead suprised you live in portsmouth like myself :O how strange.. what town are you from?
I'm not answering that.
A few weak points that could be improved in the future. Otherwise it was very intertaining and fun ;)
I saw one of your animations about a year ago and knew you had potential.
As for the knife killing spree part, i almost cracked up! Hilarious :)
Potential contest winner.
Thanks a lot, dude!
Glad you liked the killing spree part!
I hope I win tto but theres so much great this year :|
I thought it was a funny laugh until your profile says you actualy ARE gay.
</respect for you>
Wasn't that impressed
It was all too random. What was up with the last one?? Some faces spinning round (or tweened, as you can clearly see). None related to eachother; it was like the last guy said; thrown together like a sandwhich. Some artists appeared much weaker than others, thus ruining the movie. Parts were too short and incomplete; plus it didn't flow, whereby it had a different song for each part. I think you can do better. I'm not saying you haven't got tallent, but try to put more effort into your work; I think a lot of you have talent which can be put to good use.
Well everyones got different opinions. It was rushed over the lasts 2 weeks. Good review
It's not rape if they can't say no.
Age 34, Male
England, South
Joined on 5/8/06